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Dr. Scott Hendrix

Professor of History, Chair of the Department of History, Political Science, and Religious Studies 262.524.7272




  • University of Tennessee, Ph.D. in History
  • University of Tennessee, M.A. in 17th Century English History
  • Athens State University, B.A. History and English

Areas of Specialization

Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation history; world history, with an emphasis on the history of the Middle East

Scholarly and Professional Achievements


The Impact of the English Colonization of Ireland in the Sixteenth Century: A "Very Troublesome People" (2012)

Riot and Resistance in County Norfolk, 1646-1650: The Road to Rebellion in Seventeenth-century Britain (2012).

How Albert the Great’s Speculum astronomiae Was interpreted and Used by Four Centuries of Readers: A Study in Late Medieval Medicine, Astronomy and Astrology(2010). 

Edited Volumes

Forthcoming (2022). The Cultural History of the Cosmos in the Middle Ages. London: Bloomsbury, forthcoming (2022)

2013   With Christoper J. May, Integrative Mysticism. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, 2013.

Rational Magic. In collaboration with Brian Feltham (2011)


With Timothy J. Shannon. Magic and the Supernatural (2012).

Peer-reviewed articles

 “Albert the Great, the Albert Legend, and the Legitimation of the Dominicans.” Religions 12: 992 (2021):1-16 

“Albertus Magnus and Rational Astrology.” Religions, 11 (2020): 481. 

“Albert the Great, the Speculum astronomiae, and Astrology.” Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 15 (2018): 151-190.

 “From the Margins to ‘the Most Christian Science: Astrology from Albert the Great to Marsilius of Padua.” Culture and Cosmos 20.1/2 (2016): 129-146. 

 “The Contextual Rationality of Galileo's Astrology.” Culture and Cosmos 18.2 (2014): 71-103.

 “Astrological Forecasting and the Turkish Menace in the Renaissance Balkans.” Anthropologija 2:13 (2013): 57-72.

"The Pursuit of Witches and the Sexual Discourse of the Sabbat." Anthropologija, 2.11 (2011): 41-59.

“Natural Philosophy or Science in Premodern Epistemic Regimes? The Case of the Astrology of Albert the Great and Galileo Galilei.” Teorie vedy / Theory of Science: Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Science, XXXII.2 (2011): 111-132.

"Choosing to be Human: Albert the Great on Human Agency and Celestial Influence." Culture and Cosmos,12.2 (2008): : 23-41.

“Reading the Future and Freeing the Will: Astrology of the Arabic World and Albertus Magnus.” Hortulus, 1 (2006): 30-49.

Book chapters

“The Universe and Human Destiny.” The Cultural History of the Cosmos in the Middle Ages, Scott E. Hendrix, ed. London: Bloomsbury, forthcoming (2022)

“Superstition and Modernity: The Conflict Thesis, Secularization Thesis, and Anti-Catholicism.” Religion in the Era of Postsecularism, Uchenna Okeja, ed. Abingdon: Routledge, 2019. 

 “Reading the Patient and Reading the Self: An Analysis of the Place of Cultural Theory in Occupational Therapy.” In collaboration with Lani Stockwell, in The Patient-Doctor Dynamics: Examining Current Trends in the Global Healthcare Sector, Anna Karin Jytte Holmqvist, ed. Leiden: Brill, 2019.

 “Yearning for God while Living in the World: History, Culture, Neuroscience and Mystical Experiences.” In collaboration with Christopher J. May, in Integrative Mysticism, Scott E. Hendrix and Christopher J. May, eds. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, 2013. 

"Neuroscience and the Quest for God." In collaboration with Christopher J. May, in The Neuroscientific Turn in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Melissa Littlefield, ed. (2012)

"Rational Astrology and Empiricism, From Pico to Galileo." Magic and the Supernatural, Scott E. Hendrix and Timothy J. Shannon (2012).

"Rational Astrology and Scientific Rationalism in Premodern Europe." in Rational Magic, Scott E. Hendrix and Brian Feltham, eds. (2011)


2018    With Uchenna Okeja. Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio. 

History Survey

Forthcoming (2023) Rebirth and Reform: The European Renaissance and Reformation, with Elizabeth Rainieri. San Diego: Cognella

2019     Philosophers, Scientists, and God: Religion and Science in the West. Pittsburgh: Oxford Southern. 

Encyclopedia Entries

“Augustine of Hippo.” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. (2018)

“Thomas Aquinas.” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. (2018)

 “Albertus Magnus.” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. (2018)

“Peter Abelard.” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. (2018)

“Bernard of Clairvaux.” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. (2018)

 “Boniface.” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. (2018)

“Meister Eckhart.” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. (2018)

 “Pope Gregory I. ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. (2018)

 “Pope Innocent III.” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. (2018

 “Al Ghazali” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders. (2018)

“Umar, Son of Al-Khattab.” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of the World’s Greatest Religious Leaders.( 2018)

 “Scholasticism.” ABC-Clio Encyclopedia of Political Philosophy .(2015) 

“Astronomy and Astrology in the Arabic World, 1000-1500." ABC-CLIO World History Encyclopedia (2011)

“World Astronomy and Astrology, 1000-1500." ABC-CLIO World History Encyclopedia (2011)

Honors and Awards

  •  Honors Mentor Faculty Award. 2020
  • The Benjamin F. Richason Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Educational Innovation. 2013
  • The Professor D. Simon Evans Prize for Outstanding Contributions to Medieval Scholarship. 2010
  • Broeker fellowship for British studies, 2006:
  • Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship for Research in the Ambrosiana Collection, Collection of Notre Dame University, 2005
  • Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship for Research in the Pope Pius XII Vatican Film Library of St. Louis University, 2005
  • Susan Becker Award for Outstanding Teaching, University of Tennessee, 2003-2004
  • W.K. McClure fellowship for international studies, 2002 
  • Broeker fellowship for British studies, 2002
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